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Chalchiutlicue concept 1 by Rococospade

Chalchiutlicue concept 1


This was mostly worked on as practice for backgrounds. I'm starting to understand environmental perspective... mostly from staring out into the distance on the many bridges around here.

Started out with an outfit more or less ripped from a fresco of the scary lady. Developing further so I can get away from that... and make her live up to the name 'Lady of the Jade Skirt'
Chalchiutlicue is a river goddess who wears a crocodile on her head (along with a lot of jewelry and a headdress decked out with quetzal feathers) and is associated with serpents, water, fertility, and both death and life. She's often portrayed with a tree reaching up from a river holding a prickly-pear or human heart.

She was often protrayed as Tlaloc's wife, though some myths have them as siblings, and a woman representing Chalchiutlicue was married to the Tezcatlipoca impersonator a month before he was sacrificed (along with three other goddess representatives). She was a pretty scary and formidable god herself, though, and destroyed one of the worlds, turning its inhabitants into fish in the process.

Mature-contented because I live in the US and female nipples here are known to cause mental alterations similar to drugs and violent behavior in those under 18. Yep...

Art (C) to me

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