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Screw his drama, I'm out! by Rob Swanson

Screw his drama, I'm out!

Rob Swanson

TLDR: I quit my old job last month and started a new one last week. That's what this comic shows. I got the comic to celebrate. Go check out the artist, he's cool. Links are at the bottom.

So, as some of you might know, I recently changed jobs. The place I used to work at had some really serious issues. These issues made it obvious that I wasn't going to experience any long-term success working there. There wasn't any opportunity for growth, so I didn't have a meaningful career path. Management clearly didn't know what they were doing with a lot of things. (It should not take a week for someone to decide that, "Yes, we do in fact need to order ink for the printer.") And to top it all off, the culture at that location was just toxic.

Anyways, I started the new job Monday of last week and it's a lot better. The new job came with a 25% pay increase, health insurance, and a 401(k) that's a lot more robust than the one at the old job. I decided to celebrate a bit by getting this commission. There's a bit of a story here though. I had been going to a few interviews and was hoping to hear back from two or three. On Friday, October 14th, I went to an interview early in the morning. It was my second interview at that location, for a job in the accounting department. I got a phone call later that day with a formal job offer. Because I had a few other interviews that I was waiting to hear back from, I asked if it was possiable to give an answer the following Monday.

Well, nothing came out of the other two interviews, so I called and asked if the job offer was still good (Panel 1 in this comic). They said it was still a good offer, so I accepted. I put my two weeks notice in that day (Monday, October 17th) and made it known that Friday the 28th would be my last day. Well, Wednesday the 26th rolls around and drama has been flowing like water, even by the lofty standards that my former place of employment is renound for. It's the end of the day and I'm sitting at my desk thinking, "All of my long-term projects are complete through the end of the year. All of my short term projects are complete as well. It's Wednesday and I'm functionally done for the week unless some crisis manages to happen."

At about the same time, I can hear two of our main sales people having their daily screaming match. One of them hadn't communicated something about a customer and the other acted on incomplete information and this caused an error. As usual, I had to jump in and be the referee. The whole office could hear them and, somehow, this fact had escaped both of them.

I don't know what it was about that argument in particular, but it got me to think about all the bullshit that was going on that week. At the end of the day I wound up deciding, "You know what, it's two days early but Screw this drama, I'm out." I told my supervisor not to expect to see me that Thursday or Friday. I was done with that bullshit.

PS: When I told my boss that I was handing in my two weeks notice, the first words out of his mouth were, "You didn't tell me that you were looking for a new job." Do people not know what two weeks notice is?

Original upload can be found here:

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