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the lights are too bright by roboLobo

the lights are too bright


Well, it's 2023. feliz año nuevo / happy new year / whatever my fellow Gregorian calendar users say.
I haven't been really excited in a few years, but this one: definitely not. My sleep schedule has been consistently off, so how many times have I seen the clock 'roll over' to a new day now I wondered? I thought it was 365 days for 2022. It's not too thrilling anymore- like a lot of things when you get old.

So. Made this a while back but I haven't posted it. I've made a lot really, I haven't posted. I'm actually really happy with my art as of late, but maybe too happy. I get all excited and I kind of don't know what to do with it? It's not comic work, it's not commission work, it's just stuff I like. Maybe I'll toss it together someday. It feels like I put my best work into something that's without a purpose, but hobbies tend not to have a purpose. I think I need to accept that is not a bad thing. I really want to do 'more' in 2023, have no idea if I'll be able to. Sometimes ~reality~ with health and other time problems gets in the way, which happened a lot last year up until the very end. So... while nothing's counting on it, it's just something to do.

The picture. It's just my good old fursona(?)/character Buddy.
He's has a long story that I can't write here, but he's just a very angry cyborg who doesn't wanna be one.
Hence the picture.
I tried some new techniques with colored and textured linework. It's the same general style but it looks kind of different when you squint. I like it but I'm not sure if I'll go back to the more clean and black lines for my larger illustrations for the sake of consistency.

Oh, the motherboard is that of a PS2 (I forgot the exact model).
No particular reason other than I thought it was kind of amusing.

That's really all I have.

Pls don't repost lol thnx bai

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Visual / Digital