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Vom Prüfungsausschuss by robatdteufel

Vom Prüfungsausschuss


Large Text: "So you are constantly pleading the Basic Law. Say, could it be that you're actually a Communist?!"
Small Text: "The much lesser known little book by Chairman Mao Zedong"

The singer-songwriter Franz Josef Degenhardt published in 1972 the song Befragung eines Kriegsdienstverweigers. Which reenacts the grilling of a conscientious objector by committees of the 1960s and 1970s in Western Germany which had to "verify" the conscientious nature of the draftee's objection, and his preference to spend twice the time of ordinary compulsory military service in the health industry as uneducated underpaid aide instead.
The Large Text accusation is from that song, and everything else in the picture is a hyperbole to underline the absurdity of such an accusation by the militarist scum consisting of amnestied Nazis and Prussian officers which revealed their consistent animosity towards the constitution.
Eventually the health industry's desire to make more money by employing more underpaid uneducated aides became strong enough to overrule the old militarist elites that due to their age became dependent on uneducated underpaid aides themselves, so that by the time I got drafted, a hand-written essay sufficed to verify my conscientious objection. Yet, not having spent time in the military, bars males from many careers as civil servants in Germany. For conscientious objection is supposedly a sign of lack in loyalty and the hierarchic system for civil servants hasn't changed since the putsch of 1933.

The reason as to why I chose Mao Zedong is simply for the fact that the Basic Law also comes in the form of a little book.
For that purpose I also could have picked Muammar Qaddafi and his little green book rather than Mao and his little red book, but contrary to Mao, Qaddafi has not been marketed as a Communist bogeyman, and Mao is as old as those who actually drafted the Basic Law, so that there is at least some logic in that absurd claim that the Basic Law had been a Communist fabrication.

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