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Karen, Sangy, and a bit of lore by Rippah Roo'Jizah

Karen, Sangy, and a bit of lore

Rippah Roo'Jizah

In their youth, both were up and coming boxers, with Sangy having came from another country altogether to find more oppritunities to work on his craft. Sangy had met another woman before Karen, a bear, but the relationship was short lived (however alimony is still a thing so even despite Sangy's visits to Raquel and her mother, that was extra money he had to pay). On the other hand, Karen had always had some fondness for boxing, and was considered something of a nerd back in the day. A nerd that could do calculus easily and beat up bullies? She wanted to be that girl, although over time her focus leaned more and more towards boxing. 

It is by chance that not too long after that, Sangy and Karen met, and quickly hit it off, as Karen's intellegence and cool-headedness and Sangy's confidence and determination seemed to work well with each other. While they've never officially fought each other, they either sparred in private, or visited each other's exhibition batches. The two were making a name for themselves, and their public relationship led to them being referred to as the Boxing Couple. 

However, after a notable win for Sangy, the two had gotten rather wasted, and in a meant-to-be-playful bar brawl, Sangy prompted Karen to give him her best shot. Her best shot was able to shatter his jaw and knock him out cold. He was hospitalized and later worked on, but his jaw was so damaged that it was vulnerable to being broken again, leading to him retiring early from boxing. Karen's prospects weren't good either, some matches cancelled due to her conduct, some out of fear. One could say she could have eventually gotten through it, but that pressure of knowing what she did also caused her to retire. And also attempted to move away while Sangy was out. Sangy stopped her, and it would take years for the shame of what she did to be put behind her. 

They had three daughters, and Sangy had opened up a gym where he still practices boxing and trains others. Karen became busy with raising children and as such is long out of practice, but did become a part-time teacher. News of Raquel meeting with Rachel was initially a shock, but Karen accepted her as if she was her own daughter. 

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