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The Dark Lord of Fat by ReidoRaichu

The Dark Lord of Fat


So this is what happens apparently after you have become a dark lord in Dark Souls...Or at least its what happened to me. I gorged myself on souls and fine dining as I feasted off the living and dead and ushered in my new age of dark. But of course Darkstalker Kaathe neglected to letting me know that if I devoured on to many souls that it would affect my body and ruin my metabolism. and make me very gassy as well.

Oh well, I can just have my subjects gather souls for me and feast on them as well as all this deliciously fattening food they provide me. I seem to be bursting out of my armor though. perhaps i should get a new set reforged to fit my ever growing fatness...BURRRRP....excuse me i gotta release some pressure growing in me now PPRRRFFFFFRRRTTTTTTTTTTT~!!! ahhhh that was nice~

What are you doing standing there? Get me more food and more souls!

This whole idea was partially based on a twisted idea i had after finishing the dark path of Dark souls and partially congratulatory gift for myself for finishing my Dark Souls Let's Play on youtube (which you can view here: )

Also if anyone is interested in coloring this let me know ok? i cant do it myself cause of some stuff at school keeping me busy but feel free to let me know through a note if your up for it.

Anyway Enjoy the Big Slobby and Gassy Chu Dark lord~

Artwork (c) Starfig
Reido Ikazuchi (c) ReidoRaichu
Dar Souls (c) From Software

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Visual / Digital