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Built-in trampoline by redictor

Built-in trampoline


Com by arinadler

A feral cat had climbed up a tree and didn't know how to get back down. Kajsa happened to come by at the time and happily helped out after the owner had failed once with a too short ladder. Stepping up to the tree, Kajsa's bosom pushed on the trunk, causing it to bend to the side to yield to the mounds' immense weight, threatening it to fall over! Thankfully Kajsa stopped right as she reached the feral cat and held her hands up to invite it into her arms. Even though the giant Zangoose could literally just pick it up from there. The feral cat then proceeded to instead jump down on Kajsa's chest and immediately fall asleep.

We've seen feral animals before in this world, with the two therapy sessions Farin had, and that's how Ruby's structured it. There are both anthro and feral beings of most species, with anthros having sentience, living their lives in civilizations and they go to school. While ferals are on par with real life animals in intelligence, living in the wild and being used for food and can be an anthro's pet. This difference between anthros and ferals has been socially accepted in their world since many millennia ago by Ruby's will, and while an anthro child can be curious seeing a feral of their own species the first time, none of them pay it much mind. After all, do you have an existential crisis every single time you see a monkey? It's just normal!