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Zachary Concept by RedheadInsanity

Zachary Concept


Even though I found the coloring and shading annoying at times, the end result definitely made it worth the trouble. The line art's a little messy and off here and there, but I'm trying to get used to inking my drawings in SAI. The brush dynamics work much differently compared to GIMP's.

"Zachary"/"Zack" is really sticking to me as a name for him. Now I just need to come up with a last name since he and Edith are married.

Inking and base coloring done in SAI; details drawn in GIMP.

Zack's left leg had to be amputated and replaced with a robotic one. Unfortunately it has become defective and is slowly poisoning him. Worse yet, the leg can’t simply be swapped out. The leg is literally attached by the nerves in his abdomen and requires a lot of surgery to remove and replace. However, technology has recently boomed in the past few years and has since brought a national movement to integrate far superior prosthetics. Zack sadly somehow missed the upgrade. Only a few doctors today would be able to operate on Zack’s outdated leg.

Since he’s become weak and sickly, Zack spends his time tinkering with small mechanics at a desk or table. He can at least make sure the mechanics in his robotic leg are still working well, but he has no knowledge on performing the medical attention necessary to stop the poisoning.

This is the first outfit I’ve designed for Zack. Really liking it.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    I love the mechanical hind leg. And you did very well coloring it too!

  • Link

    really like the shading done on his robo leg, guessing gimp as usual?