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Cellspheres by RedcatStudio



So Valens-Incendia (from DA) and I have done a FFX RP before that lasted like 2 years and was a super epic journey and it was amazing and wonderful and the whole time she didn't know about the fate of summoners and when it ended she cried and I laughed and we cried and it was great
But then we were like
"now what do"
Because we still love those characters, right
So we created a FFX-AU: A Modernized, Alternate Universe of FFX.

Basic premise:

  • Same locations
  • Ronso are much more humanoid, as in tall humans with lion ears/tails, males still have horns (small ones)
  • Hypello are also still there, but more like Fish-esque humans
  • Zanarkand was destroyed a few decades ago by a civil war amongst it's citizens where the sides were Pro-Magic and Pro-Machina (more to this)
  • Actually Bevelle and the Temples secretly supported the Anti-Magic rebels (pro-machina) and helped deploy the Machina that would ultimately destroy Zanarkand
  • Bevelle publicly uses this to enforce anti-machina theories (so it was a ploy to get the world to hate machina)
  • No such things as Summoners, but instead there's Beast Tamers
  • The fiends are just wild animals referred to as Fiends (so the most realistic fiends exist)
  • Flans do still exist, but they're more like land-jellyfish who sting you with mild thunder magic
  • On that topic, magic exists but only in very few people and isn't very powerful
  • Believed to be "supplied" by Yu Yevon
  • Airships and technology is more advanced than our IRL world
  • Blitzball still exists, and the players now have mouth pieces that allow them to breathe underwater, and they basically play inside a giant fish bowl of reinforced glass.

So here Jinji is holding a "Cellsphere", a call phone sphere that allows you to qiuckly call, text, or in advanced cases operate machina from a distance.
And he's naked.
Because he probably just got out of the shower/pool and he doesn't like clothes.
He's texting Halia because apparently Sonoko got in trouble at school again.

Jinji (c) me
Halia (c) Valens-Incendia
FF (c) Squeenix

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Visual / Digital