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Goret by RedcatStudio



The carriage rattled back and forth gently on the cobblestone path leading up to Sakura Meadows ranch. Alvia sat inside, sleeping with her head against the doorframe. On her lap was a nervous Charmander.
He didn't have a name yet- she would think of one as soon as she got to know him. Her arms were draped gently across it's belly to prevent it from jumping off her lap. His tail hung limply from her (fireproof) apron and was steadily charring the underside of the wooden cart, adding a new mark among countless others. Across from the Charmander lay a massive Arcanine, who introduced herself as Scharlotte. Her chest rose up and down in rhythm with her mistress', filling the air with short bursts of hot air that seemed soothing to the Charmander.
It turned its gaze out towards the front window, through which he could see the driver, a pokemon that looked like Alvina but stooped and with white hair, and who held two majestic Zebstrika in his reins.
It was all very peaceful, and the little fire pokemon was almost asleep when an explosion of panicked neighs burst into the cart.
Scharlotte was on her paws in seconds, trying to steady herself on the swaying and shaking floor as the Zebstrika panicked. The weird Pokemon tried to get them under control as Alvina leapt to her feet, clutching the Charmander close.
She yelled in her weird Pokemon language to the one out front but no words were familiar to the Charmander.
The world started to spin.
The flame on his tail started to sizzle and turned a feverish yellow.
Panic's cold claws suddenly slipped over its head and the world went red as flames erupted from its tiny jaws.

Several hours later, Alvina and George had finally caught the wild horses and calmed them down.
"You always have such a way with these beasts," George remarked quietly, as he tried to stand steady on his injured leg.
"Thank you, George," Alvina said, but she couldn't keep the worry out of her voice. The baby Charmander had panicked, probably because she couldn't control her own panic, and set fire to the carriage. Scharlotte was still off chasing the wild pack of Mighteyena that had attacked the Zebstrika, and the baby Pokemon was in a stone cage that was all that was left of the cart.
"How is the little one?" George asked, as if reading her mind. She turned and looked sadly at the little thing. It was curled up in the back of the cage and snarled at anything that came remotely close to it.
"I don't think he's doing so well, George," she sighed heavily. "I do hope I can find some friends for him at the Ranch. It may take a few weeks for him to get used to me again."

Poor baby. Alvina decided to call him Goret after his ruthless behavior both during the attack on the cart and his odd behavior on the ranch. She hopes he'll find a friend on the ranch, but so far she hasn't had much luck.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital