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Queen of Roses by Raziiraofthedesert

Queen of Roses


Just a drawing of Razii to get myself back in the creative swing after 2 weeks of being sick and 3 days of being up in Lake County. x.x

Raziira's full name is "Raziira Akasma". Akasma means "white climbing rose" in Turkish. :3 My own real last name means "the rose" in italian, so I wanted to give Raziira, my fursona, a last name that had to do with roses, too. But I didn't want a name with the same letter as her first, and I wanted it to be something that also fit her exotic sounding first name. It took me a looooong time to find something, but I did, and I like it. :3

Yeah, these aren't white roses, but whatever. :/ They're roses. It works. XD

Still experimenting with new styles. OTL I just... I dunno. I'm still trying to find something that fits what I want my art to look like. The thick-lined style I was going for before just wasn't cutting it. I want something a little more realistic, but not TOO realistic. I don't want to make digital paintings or anything like that, just... Sharper, more realistic drawings. I actually like this, just basic, thin lines ,with different colors for the clothing and hair, but black for the rest of it. I may or may not stick with this.

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Visual / Digital