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INKTOBER: Day 11 - TRANSPORT by RainbowFoxy



At first, I wasn't really sure what to draw for today's theme, and I was struggling with ideas. And then I remembered hat Milo, my gekren is a carrier, and I knew exactly what I wanted to draw.

Gekren (or 'geks' for short)are a closed original species of mine that I made back in about 2014 when it was all the craze to create species. They had a lot of love put into them and were a creation I was incredibly pleased with. Unfortunately they didn't garner notable interest for adoptions/people wanting them, and I fell into a routine of too much work and not much time to work on headworld creatures and concepts. I tried to draw Milo mid-run, that sort of bounding and very physical sprint. I'm still working out how they move. I'm really happy that Inktober gave me the opportunity to draw Milo; its notably easier to draw Gekren now, some time down the line, since they actually used to cause me a bit of grief trying to draw them. My style and anatomy has much improved, and I am much more satisfied with how I draw them. Just goes to show that practice and drawing (even if its different things) goes a long way!

Gekren are an intelligent quadrupedal species with anatomical similarity to reptiles and mammals; the overall physical anatomy is most closely related to cheetahs, horses, and snakes, but their individual morphology and characteristics (such as body type and facial features) can vary sightly individual to individual much like humans. They live in complex socials structures and have potential to interact with humans, as far as understanding and repeating simple speech, or utilizing sign language (since their vocal structures are limited in terms of speech). Milo is an outcast in his species due to his lack of very important 'display pouches' that are a core physical aspect of gekren. These pouches are very significant in social communication and expression in species populations, and most which lack them are pushed out of groups and alienated. Consequently, Milo lives in a human village and serves as the local mail carrier and simple item transporter. He is paid in food, shelter, and the occasional cool trinket.

If you would like to learn more about this species, visit the deviant art group! Lots of pertinent information can be found there:

And don't be shy to ask any questions about them (or this character specifically), I'd be happy to reply and share info in my free time!

-01 Micron pen

Artwork, species, and character © Rainbow-Foxy, do not repost, re-distribute, use, edit, create your own version, reproduce, etc. without express and explicit permission
DO NOT repost my work on tumblr, Facebook, Google+, or use for roleplay.

if you find my work on any other sites than the ones listed here, it has been reposted WITHOUT permission

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Visual / Traditional