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The Lamb by Raenul

The Lamb


And this is.. the final, finished version of my drawing, portraying my favorite boss, "The Lamb", from the video game "The Binding of Isaac- Rebirth". This drawing took me FOREVER to draw, so I am SO bloody tired now after it.. but I think it turned out quite alright, and good, and cool. I think The Lamb, as a boss is very intriguing, and I am kinda wondering about the purpose of its name, and its design, and origin.. and the music that goes with the battle is fucking awesome! I hope you guys enjoy, and now I am going to rest up. Thanks, and have a good day.

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  • Link

    oh! I knew there was a Binding of Isaac feel to it the moment I saw it in my notification feed! I am quite glad to know my assumption was correct, hah hah!

    I have to say, you have done something interesting with those eyes. They feel as if they pierce through my screen.

    • Link

      Oh, I am happy to hear it was quickly noticeable what it was about. :) Do you play that game too? That would be awesome! Rebirth is probably one of my favorite games, right next to Starcraft II. And yep, I put a lot of effort into making the eyes just the way I wanted them, and I think it turned out somewhat similar to my vision which makes me pleased.

      • Link

        I am afraid I do not play it. I am not much into games save for a few exceptions, particularly RTS games, Starcraft II included, heh heh.
        However, some of my friends do play The Binding of Isaac and continuous socialization led to me being more or less familiarized with the game.

        What is your favourite race in Starcraft?

        • Link

          Oh, I see, that is awesome nonetheless. :D Interesting to hear that you are a big fan of RTS games though.

          I am honestly not a hundred percent sure which my absolute favorite race is, since I both like the protoss and zerg equally much, although terran is kinda goofy and fun and simply play mechanics, I am sort of juggling between protoss and zerg.. but if I would count in both having fun playing as, and story and aesthetics, I would probably lean more towards the zerg, although the protoss I have an affinity to due to some personal reasons.

          • Link

            What a coincidence! I too love the zerg! They are one of the reasons why I have started a passion for genetics. I have always been fond of the way they treated genetics, and how they came to create the "perfect" organism, where they developed a system of cell regeneration that is faster than the rate they oxidize at, reaching immortality.

            Do you happen to play it online, if I may ask?

            • Link

              Yeah, the Zerg are indeed fascinating in that way..

              And well, I do play it "online" in a way, although for now I have been mainly sticking to playing the campaigns and not competitively since my current computer and internet connection is not quite good enough for that.. bur that should hopefully be fixed later on this year. :D But I have played against the AI quite a bit.