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(OC) Lepito the Balloon Clown by Quirinn

(OC) Lepito the Balloon Clown


Name: Lepito
Age: ???
Species: Undefined, but falls under the category of monster
Height: Varies
Weight: 1 Ounce
Abilities: Flight, acrobatics

Lepito was an abandoned balloon left in the big top of a small travelling circus. The ringmaster, a kindly old man who only strives to entertain the masses in a time of ever growing disinterest in circuses, felt pity for this lost "soul" and gave it to the magician of his troupe. The magician used his magic powers to bring sentience and a personality to the balloon, turning it into a rubbery monster that quickly became the newest act in the circus.

Lepito is a very happy, childish, and friendly creature that wants nothing more than to entertain children and adults alike. He performs acrobatic feats on the tightrope and uses his natural buoyancy to fly over everyone in the audience; sometimes he'll even grab volunteers and fly them around both inside and outside of the tent for the sole purpose of everyone to enjoy.

If Lepito is ever attacked, popped specifically, he won't die; he'll simply split into normal balloons that will eventually reform together. The only problem is that all the balloons need to be together or else he will never actually reform

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