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Explorers of Shadows Pg.19 by Quilaviper

Explorers of Shadows Pg.19


Been having major writing block on my other artistic duties, so I've just been throwing myself into editing X'D

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    "Bilo was just going to chill out in his shell fermenting berries all day, but you FUCKLED. So HERE'S WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN."

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      That "Don't fuckle with Shuckle" video lives in my head all day rent-free tbh XDDD

  • Link

    ...Also "X-Eye and Blinker Seed Elixir"? That's basically hardcore hallucinogenic drugs right there. HOW is that better than "blue perv juice"? XD

    • Link

      I figure that it wouldn't last near as long as the juice does, depending on how much you have ig -- Plus they're kinda under the assumption they're with the Guild already, since it was Bilo that sent 'em, so as far as they know, we'd get warped to the Guild or a team base by default (Though that defs hasn't been translated well in-page, I totally get the concern X'D)

      • Link

        So if the Ghostly Gang assumes they'll be warped back to the Guild, why even bother with the elixir? Why not just send them with a "DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SEND ANY MORE ROOKIES" warning or something?

        • Link

          Part of me was thinking along the lines of "Hey, don't lead more Guildies to our base, dummies" but tbh, everybody finds Stone Cave so easily anyways, it probably wouldn't have helped them in the long run anyway XDD In any case, they didn't get a chance to use it before more peeps found them all the same, so F in the chat for their mini-drug plan lmaoo-

      • Link

        And if the GG REALLY wants to incapacitate the two before warping them away to discourage them from ever coming back, wouldn't just hogtying them with rope be a lot simpler than force-feeding them drugs? XD

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          on the other hand, I feel like tying up a Cyndaquil with rope might be kinda hard w/ the back fire and stuff, idk-

          • Link

            Iron chain could also word. Or like, magic fireproof rope. This IS the Pokémon world after all. XD

            Plus the GG would probably only need the pair tied up for a few minutes at most anyway.

            • Link

              T R U E

              On the other other hand, I hate drawing chains with a burning passion X'D Need to find me a chain brush tbh

              • Link

                I've had a lot of practice drawing chain with pencil and pen. Basically, you start be drawing a half-ellipse, then another half-ellipse that intersects with the first in an interlocking-hook-fashion, rinse-repeat, then when the chain is long enough and the right shape, draw lines connected the open halves of the links.

                Again, the kinds of things I draw require these skills. XD

                • Link

                  That's fair XDD I know like, the general idea to drawing chains, it's just very tedious to me, and I don't like when the perspective doesn't turn out right and all that jazz, lol.

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                    I won't deny it's tedious, which is why I only draw them sparingly when needed.

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            Also, a hogtie would keep a Cyndaquil's paws curled up under its belly, far away from the back-flames.

            ...You can tell I know waaaay to much about this stuff because of the kind of art I draw. XD

  • Link

    Their cockiness matches that of Darkening. Not a good sign.

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      You know things will look bad when you can be compared to Darkening's smugness levels XDD