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Garbage Day by QuigleyDownUnder

Garbage Day


ive seen so many cute no-nonsense talking animals talking about feminism surrounded by flowers and sparkles but I wanted to make it gross because that's just how I roll

that possum's not taking none of your shit

(I may rework this with some color and post another version soon but shrug have an inks only one too)

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    Sure is strange seeing all these people nowadays expressing the exact same sentiments that in previous decades caused ordinary people who support gender equality to distance themselves from the feminist label.

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      What do you mean exactly?

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        For a long time, particularly in the US, feminism seemed to have become associated with all manner of negative sentiments and male-bashing (Andrea Dworkin being often held up as an exemplar) that caused people to shy away from self-describing as feminist. Now things seem to have looped back and people with views of that ilk have become vocal once again since the internet provides a good echo chamber.

        (Apologies if I'm still unclear. For what it's worth I'll happily call myself a feminist since equality benefits everybody in the long run)

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          I think a reason that perhaps there are those similarities is because politically things are really at a head again in terms of health care rights and equal pay (at least in the USA). Thanks I just wanted clarification cuz I'm bad with words sometimes lol

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          I will say though that the idea of inclusive feminism has nothing to do with men and everything to do with including trans women, women of color, queer women and other marginalized groups that have been excluded from the feminist movement in the past

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            I must admit I'm a little disappointed that inclusive feminism doesn't include the menfolk just yet, but then I guess it's more a quirk of terminology than anything else.

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              there is a place for men within feminism, as allies? It's the same with any other marginalized group, there are still allies. and feminism does work to combat many mens issues, because both men and women are affected negatively by the patriarchy