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Embraced by the Double Sun by QuentixStarwing

Embraced by the Double Sun

What is this growing feeling as light masses around a beleaguered mind?
The binds of no known forces before the words
Only the grip of 20,000 leagues upon thee
Whisps of light blind thy vision and take the heart's fondest oath
That which binds itself to the sun
But with fear growing and starting to fill the empty void
As Midnight falls away to fill the void
Entangled by life, a privileged merit at which to hold
Never quite certain of the pull until the first revolution begins.

Covered in a layer of icy beyond compare, words soon fair little
As the spins become worse and the light blinds the soul
Nothing but a growing need or wish of both to fill growing fear
A gasp to part the lips as the failure of moving sets in
Trying to twist a limb rolls the body to the sight of horrible grandeur
As any foolish knight would be happy to go in such ways

Embraced by the lights of one sun is a heaven least the saying goes
When tamed and only with fear in the embrace of two, Nothing short can be said
There is to be naught but a gain from this terrible carousel that fails to meet
All that fails to meet the myths and legends of a quick and glorious end before an epic
Nay there is only the growing fear of this slow devour

The horror of knowing the embrace of a twin set of orbits, tugged from both ends
To be squeezed by both, is the embrace by the double sun.

Embraced by the Double Sun


An experimental kind of poem using freeverse to try and describe the feeling of becoming the victim of a great myth, as something that would be an embrace by something greater than oneself and becoming one with it: a feeling that should be great, suddenly becomes a terrible and yet intense embrace by a pair of suns.

Now the clincher the this journey of a celestial object or something else?

What may bake your mind would be is: would you have thought of it as less than a celestial body if I hadn't said so? Enjoy! :3

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