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Miracle of the Dive by QuentixStarwing

Miracle of the Dive

Overwhlelmed by the sense of emotion is a placid feeling of the mind
Less of the heart does it come down to a single pass when thinking of truth
This is what the emblemized flavors have become in the world when thinking long
A dossier of the vitamins that one may take shares its flavors
Never was there a single effect that comes to the bar and branch.

A whisper that passes along the edge of a heaven between the lit lanterns along the road
Desperate and hungry like a traveling stray along the side of a road
Scattered, Mummified, and lacking mental focus where time grows short
Not unlike a measure of peace in the edges of want
Just the part of the draconian laws that govern this land.

The hearth as its been a cold sign of cruelty
But a channel with the trade as the faith is given long
What is due that one merits in trade of the figure
To take and to plant in what of the portion
Where efforts soon change and ever roll to trade
Being in the place of the burrowing souls in well
Take it in and breathe while dancing amongst the road.

Delve right into the part of the gaze
Into the eyes of the one you seek
Taken into an embrace that becomes thee
Like a warbling gift from a road
Never is the garden quite to be found
Vivid and yet like a lost burr in thyme

Such shall experience the miracle of the dive.

Miracle of the Dive


What does it take when a narrative arises? The measure and worlds of the path become painted and change. Ever becoming something that no one person reads the same, not unlike a trade of passage through the woods. There was a means of facing down off of the end, a final path and a posing soul brings up the expression from all ends and angles.

Please enjoy.

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