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Year of the Alice Day 234 by Princess-Josie-Riki

Year of the Alice Day 234


This is my first (and hopefully only) one-year project (which will be only 365 days) and this one is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland-themed.

In this pic, Alice Liddell is taking on the Abonination (the Seeker, the Greeter (Revenge) and the Screamer combined).

(Note: This is for the first anniversary of the Friday Night Funkin' mod, Slaughter Me Funkin'.)

Made with Microsoft Paint.

Enjoy! ♠️♥️♣️♦️

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (c) Lewis Carroll
American McGee's Alice (c) American McGee and Electronic Arts
123 Slaughter Me Street (c) Nate Sanders, John Kolbek and Impulse Game Studios
Friday Night Funkin' (c) Ninjamuffin99, PhantomArcade, kawaisprite and evilsk8r
Slaughter Me Funkin' (c) OneilR and SuperMakerPlayer
Idea and artwork (c) me