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New Species by ponpoe

New Species


maybe? just messing around when i made this

something's really bugging me about how the body is positioned or put together but i can't see it so if someone does please tell me ;w;

i don't know much about them yet other than that that thing between their ears is their lifeforce or something like that maybe?

oh my god the file is huge i am sorry

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Visual / Digital


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    looks cute i like the idea! i see what your saying about the body and im really terrible at explaining things?? so i just red lined the parts i saw i hope you dont mind;;

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      nah it's cool i don't mind at all! and aw man, why can't i seem to get the 'body facing one way but looking the other' thing down... it looks better the way you relined it but that's not what i was going for
      tho i may have to change the way the body faces to make it not look wonky ;w;

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        to get that look just select the corrected body and flip it lol >w< do you have a skype :3? i red line for alot of my friends if you ever need help \UwU/ we can talk about designs and stuff too! i need to get back in the game;;;

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    The only thing I see wonky with the body is the arm length, her arms are like super lanky. Love the ears and the feet though <3