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Guidance by PinkDEER



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Old art again for my class. Our instructor gave us an exercise where we would pick a song of our choice and draw out what we feel to warm up for our assignments and I went with a song I loved so much called "Come little Children" (not the Hocus Pocus original, this one is a different more... pretty version so to speak.)


Basically from what we would hear from the song we were to interrupt it into a drawing or sketch of our choice and when I listened to that song it just felt like a spirit guide or angel would sweep down to guide deceased children to the afterlife and so this drawing was brought up of a wolf spirit guiding this deceased pup that passed away in the snow and letting out a breath to convert him into an angel and guiding him to the afterlife.

During a heavy snow storm a pack of wolves were traveling, a young pup was separated during the blizzard and lost his way through the storm. Lost in a flurry of white and the endless sea of ice and snow he stumbled about and howling for his family. Growing cold and weak the icy grip of death grew near as the pup walked over and laid on a rock to rest and only to die in his sleep as a blanket of white snow began to engulf his body. His innocent spirit was then to be guided by a guardian as he blew his cool breath upon the pup and converted him into a white spirit and guided him to the afterlife.

Artwork (c) me

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Visual / Digital