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Brandyn by PierceTheReindeer



Brandyn was once a normal human who became fascinated by how when humans choose to become beings such as celestials or demons for some examples, that not just they physically change but how their genetics would change as well. He wanted to know how long and when the human body stops being considered human, is it when the person first accepts the change in the beginning or is it when their body starts taking major changes? Brandyn would try to research which had various results to sources, frustrated he started trying to conduct his own research by observing others and such. During high school, which said high school was a prestigious one, the school took notice of his research and granted him supplies and such so he could further his research. He felt like testing on animals and such would not get him the results he wanted so he decided to do something pretty risky, making himself the test subject. This way he can actually feel the effects and much better observe said changes. He mixed DNA of anthro monkeys and apes such as spidermonkey and gibbon, pushing to mutate his body. He did gain the ability to stretch his arms pretty far, which looks creepy to many. The school noticing what he was doing to himself stripped the help they were giving him and expelled him. He then had to go to public school and this public school is where he met Denis, Van, and MaKenzie becoming quick friends with them.

Brandyn is a he/him lesbian, please be respectful

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