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Benji's Ice Summon by PierceTheReindeer

Benji's Ice Summon


Originally posted on my art blog on February 20th, 2018
Benji’s ice summons, these were the most fun to design! Not much changed from the concept art and they are based on a mix of weasels and wolves.

How they work is that two of the minions are summoned are they tend to get up to a high place to breath ice and snow around making the floor have a deep layer of snow. Those two will then jump into the snow to use it a stealth to tunnel through and get to the enemy. The enemy will assume there is just two and will try to find one of them but that is not what it seems. More appear. They multiply within the snow and will jump up at you and attack. And it is never one jumping at you. They use their numbers to attack the enemy, some will be jumping on you, some will be breathing ice at you, and the rest wait to attack. What makes them unique is that their leader is always there with them. No exceptions. They don’t appear later nor are they called by their pack, they are just with them. The leader will pick when to jump out at the enemy and attack.

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Visual / Traditional