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Enough is...... by phake

Enough is......


too much or not enough D:
based this once i made my gender journal and the debate i have with my self every now and then, just some days where im a 'gent' or 'lady' or going full gent! i have no cute :3
also a note about not rushing into haveing gender reassignment coz being so unsure maybe it wouldnt be a good idea.......might change my mind? who knows i sure dont x3

Nova_Kast, andybigfeet, DuoTheus and cuttlefish (all on FA) coz of reasons.........we must talk dev! i misses yous ;o;
and jason......little jay here is in the same boat kinda so it felt right to add her
and draz isnt that kinda doctor.....hes into the bio stuff hes not qualified for this X'D

this took too long......

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    Finding yourself is super important. In my experience, minimalism is best. Do the least you need to, to feel like you. Finding that can be tricky and for some it is the whole 9 yards. May you find where you need to be and may the adventure of getting there be pleasant and memorable :3

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      It's something I've delt with since I was pretty young so it's hard to know what 'feels like me" but I think I'm getting close to finding out what it feels like :3
      Thank you! Haven't they told my family or partner sooo that'll be fun ^^;;

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        Your partner could be tricky. There's sometimes feelings of betrayal like you weren't honest with them. Your best bet is probably to assure them that you didn't know for certain yourself yet. Every person reacts differently though. I wish you all the best. As for family, It will be what it will be. When I cam out to my brother, his biggest reaction was "What are you going to tell mom?" My instinctive answer, without a second thought was "I'll burn that bridge when I get to it" Turns out that all she needed was some time to think and a LOT of time to adapt. Which is the biggest thing about family. Have patience with them. They may take a really long time, if ever, to adjust, after all, they've known you as the gender/name/pronoun they've been calling you by, for your entire life. That takes a while to adapt to. My mother still calls me by my old nick name but it sort of works for my current name, so I just let it slide.

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          I've said it before but I wouldn't change anything about my body that would upset my partner, we are good together and I'd never risk that for anything, but I'll have to tell him so it'll still be scary.
          I'm a strong believer of 'you've had time to Adjust but everyone else need to too' so time and awkward moments are unavoidable, I'm hope it'll just be a "I might be trans, let's never sleek about this again" with them, they are accepting but we just don't talk about this kinda stuff more like a 'oh, that's good....' Kinda outlook ^^;;
          Still I'm glad your turned out better then it sounded like you thought it would go and the nick name thing is cute, luckily mine are pretty gender less (turbo, vermin eg all with love though X3 )
          But thanks, them more I can talk about it the more courage I get :3