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Rights by Pencils_DGR



Yeah, I'm gonna get FLAYED

F They
L Will
A Peel
Y My
E Skin
D Off

Read the description. Jumping to conclusions ain't ever helped no one.

Alex is not my sona, far from it. She's a character, there's a difference. If anything, she fills the role of that crazy person who will riot just to riot. A being of pure hate, trying to sublimate its anger into something it's told is right. At least it's trying.

In San Antonio Rodriguez Universe, there's an added race: anthromorphs; furries. They are of human creation, their DNA structure is almost identical to a human's, and they live alongside them. It doesn't show often, Pencil Studios specializes in anthromorphs.

Because anthromorphs are essentially GMOs, and because they were invented in 1818, they've kinda had a shitty existence. There have been steps taken, mostly led by France, to grant anthros their rights, but if racism is still a thing, imagine having a bunch of literal animals thrown into the mix.

Reminder looking forward. San Antonio Rodriguez exists in a world with its own politics.

One final thing to clear the air, I don't care what you are. Black, white, male, female, dog, cat. You deserve the same rights as anyone else. No amount of surgery, or mental illness, or objectionable world view will change that for me. Anyone sayin I think otherwise tryna punk yo ass.

unles youer are libard. ten u shud kys, fagot /s

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