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Patrigue's Q&A Part 4 (Art by Ultilix) by Patrigue

Patrigue's Q&A Part 4 (Art by Ultilix)


1 || 2 || 3 || 4 (here) || 5

Pat and Jack, how did you two meet each other, and what made Jack want to be friends with our favorite green nude bird?

Pat: We went to the same high school. A private one. I got bullied a lot in middle school and I didn't want to deal with those same asshole kids for another four years in public school. So, I transferred.

Jack: Yeah, pretty much the same story here.

Pat: So I was in this new school where I didn't know anyone, and considering the hell I went through in middle school, I didn't really go out of my way to meet anyone new.

Jack: I wasn't very outgoing either, but my sister was a social butterfly, so I often made friends with her friends back in middle school. She transferred with me, so naturally the same thing happened in high school.

Pat: So I had no friends, and he had a bunch of them.

Jack: We had Homeroom together. I had talked to him once or twice during the first semester, but I don't think he really liked me.

Pat: Well, it's not like I hated you or anything; I was just indifferent. I mean, I thought you were… kind of a nerd back then, with your bowl cut and your textbook-like knowledge of RPGs.

Jack: Speak for yourself, Four-eyes!

Pat: …Really? Four-eyes?

Jack: Hahahaha! I’m kidding. He's actually selling me short! I was a total nerd back then. I still am, too! But I digress. One day, at lunch, I was sitting with my friend group, making the usual immature jokes that high schoolers make. I saw him sitting alone with his books and his PB&J. And I thought, “One of us should ask him to sit with us.” So I brought it up and everyone agreed so one of us got up and got him.

Pat: It was kind of a shock. Like, how often do high-schoolers actively seek out new friends in the middle of the year? I honestly thought there was a catch. But no, these people were just… chill with the idea of being friends with this random stranger.

Jack: You weren’t a complete stranger. Remember? Homeroom?

Pat: Well, I didn’t know the other people at the table.

Jack: Okay, fair.

Pat: So after getting to know him better. I realized he’s actually a lot cooler than I thought. Turns out he was also a metalhead that plays bass. Even invited me to my first metal concert.

Jack: And his first mosh pit.

Pat: Fuuuuuuuuck, that was a good time.

Jack: Sadly, after four years of high school we parted ways for different colleges. He went to Limestone River and I went to Expectation University in Boston.

Pat: And from what Jack told me, it absolutely sucked.

Jack: That’s an understatement. People from Boston don’t really like it when you tell them you’re from New York. Hell, my own roommates duct taped me to a chair and forced me to watch a Bruins game with them. So after my freshman year, I said screw that, and transferred to Limestone River with Pat.

Pat: And I introduced him to my friend group. Got involved with the LGBT+ Association, which happened to have a few overlapping members with TNG, so we fell into the same group of friends here.

Jack: We don’t see each other everyday like we used to in high school, but we’re still close.

Pat: And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Anyway, this is the fourth of five questions I'll be answering as part of my 500 Twitter Followers Celebration.

Big thanks to Ultilix for agreeing to collaborate with me for this. Thank you neko-eclipse17 for proofreading. And thank you MoonLynxLiren for submitting your question.

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Visual / Digital