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Paralysis by Pandolfs-Parade



Sam Coyote Stormclaw made his way into the Wise Owl Tavern with his travelling companion from the south. The tavern was well lit, though its occupants varied from decent to deadly. The coyote was offered very few options on where to dine and have his fill of wine, since this was the black lions favorite spot for such things.

"King's Landing MUST have had better places than this, Grigory," Sam took his round spectacles off his muzzle and gave them a good wipe. He wasn't too big on drinking due to the fact that he could hold less of a drink than an armless man.

Grigory the lion shrugged his shoulders. "They have a good house brew, and the ladies are fair. I figured that you could use a break from looking at the farm hands," he teased him. Grigory figured that Sam hadn't probably seen a decent looking woman being out on the ranch. The lion gently pushed Sam trying to make his way to the bar, when he realized that the slim framed coyote seemed glued to where he stood, "Sam, what's wrong?"

Sam felt his skin on his cheeks growing warm and bright as he gazed upon the dancing frame of a young woman on the floor. It was as if his eyes were tracking her every move. He didn't know if it was her copper red hair, or her unusual species. He had never seen a species quite like hers. "The frame of a wolf, but those fur patterns... her maw... they're not quite right," he thought to himself.

Without skipping a beat, Grigory looked at the cause of Sam's paralysis. He gently nodded to himself, but then realized he would have to be the bearer of bad news, "Aye, lad. It seems your mysterious woman is taken by one of those Targaryen bastards." With this statement, he nudged him to look at the red and black dragon. He was dressed in a suit of armor, which would lead the two men to believe that he was of some rank. Perhaps he was an army general of some kind. But one thing was clear: that was HIS hand on HER body, and she was not removing it.

"I'd be careful around those dragons," he warned his younger friend, "They're motto is 'Fire and Blood' for a reason..." The lion walked past Sam and made his way to the bar, as Sam slowly followed behind him.

He was determined on learning that young woman's name, but he would have to find a way to lure that red beast from her.


I can honestly say that I haven't drawn THAT dude in a long time. :I But allow me to explain.

When lordfenrir and I first met, I was still dating somebody else at the time, though our relationship was a bit rocky at best at that point. So, at the time, we were just pals. Taking this into consideration, I figured that our Game of Thrones versions of our characters shouldn't just meet and start going at it, since he was shy and I was stupid.

Hopefully I can make more illustrations like this to continue our story. :>

Sam © lordfenrir

Dragon © :idontwannastartshitsonope:

Game of Thrones © George RR Martin/HBO

Axiroth, Grigory, and art © pandolfs-parade

Edit: Hit F5 for the scanned version if it's not popping up!

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