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Gumball Orco + talking about things by OrcaOwl

Gumball Orco + talking about things


orco as a gumball-like character

maybe I'll just do a style meme and draw her in a bunch of random styles ??

On a different note, I'm having some issues relating to her/myself, but I want to continue to use her as a sort of persona. I'm going through all sorts of issues right now and haven't been able to really feel well in a long time. I'm not sure what to do really?? It doesn't seem to be getting better, the depression and all. Everything kind of sucks, but I've got a lot of time now to experiment with art stuff at least, since I'm going to not be in school for a few months. I don't feel comfortable talking about what is happening in my life (I try to avoid it as much as possible because I don't like bothering people with it), but I'll likely talk about things on here because only a few people follow me here ///// I hope it's not too troublesome

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    Not troublesome at all. And i can understand not wanting to talk about things, but do you have the means to seek medical intervention? It usually requires therapy at first, so lots of talking, but it also opens up the option of medication, which can be super helpful. Just a suggestion. Either way i hope you find ways to cope.

    This is a very cute style, and i'd love to see a style meme of her. :3

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      I actually went to therapy for the first time ever on Wednesday and I really do like my therapist so I'm going to keep going. She suggested medication and said she usually didn't so early, but my symptoms are pretty bad so yeah. I don't want to go on medication really, though, so I'm going to see what just therapy can do. She said she believes I actually have PTSD along with major depression so that's fun haha....... I'm sure it'll work out, though, it's nice to have someone to talk to and I'm paying on a sliding scale (I can only afford $50/session since I'm paying by myself) so I offered to make her art too which should be fun lol

      And thanks! It's odd having enough time to doodle Orco again. Like, I'm almost done with all of my owed art, when usually I would have 15-ish things queued up, I only really have 4 artworks to do before I don't have anymore commissions. Not being in school is weird > . < haha

      I hope you've been well too!!

      • Link

        Well i'm glad to hear about the therapy. I was very reluctant to go on meds too at first. Even now i can't seem to take them consistently. But it's a good option to have, so don't rule it out too quickly. Good luck with your therapy. :)

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          Thank you!! And yeah, I just would rather fix things in an alternate way, if possible :)