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Angelic Telenine by ookamij64

Angelic Telenine


I'm admitting that I have a bit of a virtual pet addiction. Not sure whether to blame it as a product of autism (aka special interest) or the idea of it being pretty cool, but I tried just about every virtual pet site under the sun as a youngster: neopets, marapets, terripets, that one site where the colors were named after gems. I seriously remember having a leopard-based virtual pet that was amethyst colored and loved. Shame I can't remember the name of the site... Probably still not around I bet.

Subeta was one that was on my list of sites as well. I even still remembered when they had avatars and items that allow you to build webpages. Even journals were a part of it and an drawing message board system. Granted, that account(s) been lost to time and probably got purged/forgotten/deleted... Current account has been going strong though and I managed to get a good family built. Family of pets at least... One of them is an angelic Telenine as shown.

Digging through my tools, I kind of forgot that I had a blending tool and decided to do monochromatic color again for practice.

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