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The Redguard Soldier by Omni

The Redguard Soldier


4E 175 — The Great War ends with the White-Gold Concordat.

The Concordat is a peace treaty between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion. The terms of treaty gave the Thalmor free reign to stamp out the worship of Talos throughout the Empire, and ceded a large section of southern Hammerfell. Critics note that these terms are almost identical to the ultimatum that Titus Mede II rejected at the start of the war.

4E 175 — Hammerfell leaves the Empire after rejecting the White-Gold Concordat.

Titus II renounces Hammerfell as a province of the Empire to preserve the treaty after the Redguards oppose ceding their lands. The Redguards see this as a betrayal, and a lasting bitterness between Hammerfell and the Empire is sown to the delight of the Thalmor. Hammerfell continues to war with the Aldmeri Dominion for the next five years.

4E 180 — The Second Treaty of Stros M’kai is signed.

Having been fought to a standstill by the Redguards, the Aldmeri Dominion completely withdraws from Hammerfell, making Hammerfell the only nation to defeat the Second Aldmeri Dominion. The fact that this was done largely by themselves makes this feat more impressive. Finally, through the cooperation between Forebears and Crowns, the civil war in Hammerfell has ended, which is likely to lead to a prosperous future as a sovereign nation.

I don't think you guys read that properly. Let me clarify this for you.

The Redguards single handedly beat the Aldmeri Dominion(The Thalmor).

Hands down, Redguards are my favorite race to play as in any TES game. All they way up from the original Redguard game, to Morrowind, to Oblivion, to Skyrim. Anywho, this is my first character that I have in Skyrim and my strongest one too! I really don't do the whole roleplay theme when it comes to the games. I read the books, do the quests, and kick some ass while enjoying the scenery. Overly complicated and detailed back stories are a bit of a bother to me and giving the character quirky personalities or whatever applies too much effort. (Not to say that I wouldn't do a TES roleplay with my Redguard!)

Still, the first quest I did was join the Imperial Legion. Screw the main story line, fuck the Dark Brotherhood, The Thieve's Guild can lick my ass, and the Daedric God Quests would just have to wait. Why side with the Empire? Doesn't your Redguard dislike the Imperial Legion for the shit they did to your people?

Yeah, sure the Imperials pretty much coped out at the last minute by bending over to the Thalmor, but this matters little to her. Skyrim born, father was an Imperial Soldier(Imperial) that died in the Great War, mother is a priestess of Mara(Redguard). Inherited her father's scimitar, joins the Legion, kicks some ass, kills Ulfric, blah blah blah, there's your in depth history.

Anywho, this is how my character looks the first time she joins the Legion and is mentally preparing herself before going in to get the Jagged Crown. While other Imperials are getting their pep talk and pumping themselves up, she simply sits and clears her head.

"A clear and tactful mind helps a warrior survive.."

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