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False Calling by omegasama

False Calling


I felt like drawing Zevran and my Warden… and wrote a short fic for the picture. Enjoy!

The False Calling.

Worry, deep worry filled him, the whisper of the song had become louder lately. The song ate into his thoughts and distracted him even in the arms of his lover. He looked up as he walked along the narrow path between the cliff side and the steep hill, looking at the back of Zevran, assassin… and his lover. Mahariel smiled softly and walked on, trying to thik of Zevran’s arms around him, or his laugh or his scent… but again he is distracted by the song.

It is too early to be The Calling, he knew that, so this must be what Leliana had been talking about in her letter, the false calling. Again he cursed his destiny of a Warden. He had not wanted this, and if he had had any other choice than death he would have taken it. The bitter thoughts fluttered across his mind like an old friend. He had had these thoughts for over ten years now poisoning any joy he could take from his title of The Hero of Ferelden or Warden-commander for that matter.

Mahariel drew a shaky breath and reached out for Zevran, and as he did the world suddenly fell away from him, the song overwhelming him for a moment, long enough to make him stumble and grasp at his beloved for purchase. He caught himself against Zevran and clutched at his face as if trying to keep his thoughts from bleeding out of him, drowned by the song.

Zevran turned in surprise and were soon at Mahariel’s side.

“Theron!” he called out and steadied his lover against the cliff. He stroked his face and kissed his forehead. Mahariel looked up at him and tried to smile, but all he did was grimace at him.

“What is wrong with you..? it’s been eating at you… I’ve seen it.” Zevran said and they were both sitting now, Mahariel leaning against Zevran’s shoulder, breathing deeply to get back his bearings and to get his thoughts back in order.

“…r-remember Leliana’s letter?” Mahariel breathed out after a while, Zevran nodded. “it’s that… the false calling. I’ve been hearing it for weeks. I knew it was wrong or I wouldn’t have…” he trailed off, the old topic not needed to be brought up again. Zevran’s silence said it all, the thought of losing Mahariel bothered him, so Theron just squeezed his hand trying to comfort him.

“We will stop it. We WILL and MUST stop it. We already gave our lives to fight the Blight… I defeated the Archdemon… I should be able to…” again he trailed off and fell silent, staring out over the forest below them. He did not want to die. He did not want to leave Zevran alone. He looked up at his handsome assassin and reached up to stroke a tiny scar on the underside of his chin.

“I gave you this scar… the day you came to kill me.” He said and Zevran smiled at the memory. “I am glad you spared me.” He whispered and kissed Mahariel’s forehead.

“So am I.” he whispered back and they sat there, looking out over the forest. Mahariel was happy here, just close to Zevran. But in that happiness lingered sorrow, lingered the song.

Forever calling him.

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