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Depressing Blob by o-kemono

Depressing Blob


“Its part of you: this black goop that attached itself to the inside of your body, clinging next to your heart and your brain. You feel it coursing through your veins when you sit still, when you walk down the street, when you lay in bed. You can feel it slithering under your skin, like a parasite that you can’t remove. It has no solid form, no color, no odor. It has many names: Anxiety. Depression. Anger. Worry. Stress. Sadness.

You can remove it, but it still clings to your body, refusing to release it’s hold from it’s host. As you hold it in your hands, you see that it has no solid form – just a black mass that reflects only your sad facial expression. It gives off a chilling touch, like holding ice for too long in your hands. It slides through your fingers and stains your clothing, like water seeping through cracks on the ceiling. You want to throw it in the trash where it belongs. You can’t. it still remains attached to your chest, to your fingers. All you can do is look at it, study it, trying to figure out how to reduce the size of this slime or try to remove it from your body. You know it grows when you feed it your worries, your unsolved problems, your negative emotions, your false thoughts. It’s always hungry and you can’t help but continue to feed it… It makes you sick, giving you aches and pains throughout your body. It keeps you awake during the night and scared during the day, thus making you continue to feed its gluttony.

Your life is like a spider’s web: one big sturdy net. The thread is strong and refuses to break against the wind. It sways back and forth like the waves on water, but remains it’s shape. But too much stress and dust from issues and problems collect and stick to your web. From a pearl white, it fades to a dull grey. One solid droplet of anxiety will destroy your web, causing the threads to break and float freely. Your web slowly turns to the cracks of a broken window: jagged, sharp and painful to look at and touch. You fall with your web, having nothing to attach yourself to, allowing your worries, stress, and depression get the better of you. You can only wait until you summon the energy to remake your web, hopefully making it stronger than before. It will take time and energy. Dust will collect on your web once again, but you will try your best to keep it clean and as white as possible, not wanting to become a broken piece of glass once again.”

Some vent artwork. It was done on a 11 x 14 board with 0.5 pen, so it took a while to finish. Came back to it on and off whenever I was feeling down and depressed, focusing on the tiny crosshatching and detail, almost like knitting a shirt.

Depressing Blob © 2010 Alex Cockburn

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Visual / Traditional