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YCH Dragons Cove Bus Stop by o-kemono

YCH Dragons Cove Bus Stop


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The final illustration piece of the YCH Dragon's Cove Bus Stop auction. 11x28 using inks for the outlines and Photoshop for coloring.

Kindof struggled with this one. There is only one light source and everything around the area needs to have a good layer of wetness from the rain. That includes wet fur and hair. I pat myself on the back for creating the water puddles ( using 5 layers of coloring ) and have it come out great! Big inspiration from the My Neighbor Totoro bus stop scene.

There were also some character reference sheets that were not complete or didn't show everything, so I improvised. For those who want their character drawn in YCH images, please include your character IN FULL, as in from HEAD to TOE.

Several hours of inking and coloring went into this image, and I had fun with it! I hope everyone is happy with the final results of this illustration!

Thanks everyone who supported this image!

Jayferret, Moonblossom, Zebak, NutCase, Viverviperi, Kichisoma, Skal-Tel,
Viverviperi, Viverviperi, Amoryllis, Moonblossom, Lombax, Viverviperi,
FurryAssassin84, Zebak, Moonblossom, Colchin

characters © to their owners
artwork © 2015 Alex Cockburn

Submission Information

Visual / Digital