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A Former Amazon by NuckyArts

A Former Amazon


Here is folks! My most complex digital drawing yet!
This time it is of Slappy and Skippy Squirrel from Animaniacs. Yes I am an animaniacs fan since I had seen it when I was a child. These two are my favorite out of the bunch, the rest are equally hilarious but these two stood out to me. Them and Minerva.XD

I'm surprised no one has thought of this.

Anyway I had this idea brewing for a week or so. This was inspired also by the Buttermilk spoof commercial they had with Slappy and they had her AP to a very attractive age. So I decided to have my own spin on it.
Slappy was a ProChamp FBB back in her day and now she is showing Skippy a photo of her when she trained. Much to his shock.XD

I started this two weeks ago. As two seperate drawings. One on looseleaf and one on sketch paper. Both began as little doodles whom I put together as one. I must say this came out fabulous. It is my first drawing with a BG and with this type of complexity.I am proud of it. Had to use the perspective tool and shrink the layer in order to make it look good.
However pardon the runway background not being in the picture Slappy is holding.It was difficult using the perspective tool in order to set it right so I decided leave it there.

I honestly could not find an Animaniac cell background of Slappy's house interior. These types of backgrounds and character model sheets are hard to find, or to find at all. So I used Princess Celestia's Bedroom from the MLP vector club. And I used a random Google image for the runway background. Good backgrounds for use in art is hard to find, especially when all the "free" backgrounds Google searches for you have watermarks slapped right on them,ruining the use.

Anyone have a clue where I can find royalty free backgrounds without a watermark or subscription?

This is also to show that I don't just do ponies all the time.XD However I haven't drawn Slappy in a while and this is my first time drawing Skippy so there is bound to be a few errors.XD

My anatomy and muscle sketches are coming out much better than before and I like it. However for what I lack in art skills, I make up with much creativeness and innovation!XD

Slappy & Skippy Squirrel belong to Warner Bros.
Princess Celestia's Bedroom Vector Background belongs to   Tamalesyatole on DA
Runway background belongs to owner. Found on Google.
Idea by Me.
Art by Me.
Color by Me.
Time taken: 4 hours to color and put together.
Text made with PicSay Pro

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