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Ref Clothes Of Nolwen, The Magcker by nosferatu16

Ref Clothes Of Nolwen, The Magcker


Here is the official outfit that Nolwen wears most of the time, except her mask which she only wears when she wants to be incognito.

Her mask not only hides her face, but also blurs any surveillance system and any device that can film or take photos. It is also possible that his headset can project a virtual keyboard before her eyes and this is connected via the internet for faster access.

This strange purple pencil is a purple magic crystal, designed to be able to hack all the magic system that is the security system which occupies the entire city of Hogcity, and many other towns and villages throughout the country. By drawing various symbols in the void, Nolwen can hack magic for various uses she wants to make of it.

This is what is called a Magcker, a magic hacker (mage+hacker), who knows how to hack the magical encryptions of the law and order system, which allows the management of mana throughout the city around electricity, communication (wifi), transport and control of the use of magic for good use. Which makes the Magckers a public danger that the authority tries to stop their bad action at all costs.

(I hope I was able to be clear in my little introduction about what a Magcker is, especially since it's a class that I invented and which seems to be unique in the way that I create, having almost never seen this elsewhere in this class, unless I'm wrong. XD)

Art :
Original Pic : gear commission by Motolog -- Fur Affinity [dot] net