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Chained by nosferatu16



Our dear big barbarian is captured by the enemy during one of those quests that was just a trap just for her.
The ravisers brought Simone, who was completely stunned, into a dark, damp and gloomy cave, where chains were waiting for her, strong enough to prevent her from breaking them.
Then they put her naked before tying her up, to humiliate her, the one that many monsters and army fought against her.

At her awakening, the barbarian saw that she was chained and completely naked. She may have panicked or crying at the sight of this situation, but that was not the case. The only expression that emerges from Simone was the anger and distrust of those ravisers who are preparing for the tortured.
Simone seems to be ready to survive this calvary, the time she managed to escape from here, which should happen soon.

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