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Archetype (Human Form) by Niji Tenshi

Archetype (Human Form)

Niji Tenshi

Here is the human form of the Wolf Archetype

Name: Archetype

Age: Unknown, looks to be in mid to late twenties

Family: None

Height: 188.976 cm (6'2 ft)

Hair: Black as a night with no moon

Eyes: Golden as the flame of a candle in the night

Skin: A light tan, rare for the region

Occupation: Appears to be a woodsman

Talents: Can speak to animals, is very strong, very fast, hunts well, and fights better

Archetype takes a human form when he needs to deal with humans without harming them, or when he's trying to get information. He can stay in human from from the first night after the full moon tho the last night before it, if he is staying in human form for great lengths of time, he needs to release and shift back during the full moon when he is most powerful to recharge his energies.

I based this character after some of my mate's physical traits X3

Art, character, and story © Niji Tenshi AKA Tempy Gentlewing and Gentlewing Creations

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