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Little Red Riding Hood (Ivory Adalwulf) by Niji Tenshi

Little Red Riding Hood (Ivory Adalwulf)

Niji Tenshi

This is my character design for My version of Little Red Riding Hood that I'll be writing.

This picture has taken me 11 hours to finish, six for the lines, five for the color and shading.

Name: Ivory Adalwulf

Age: Seventeen

Family: Egon Adalwulf (Father) Zachar Adalwulf (Grandfather, deceased)

Best Friends: Kovu (Hunter), Lircha (Baker's daughter)

Height: 164.592 cm (5'4 ft)

Hair: Red as newly spilled blood on freshly fallen snow

Eyes: Silver as the Northern Star

Skin: Pale, almost as pale as snow

Occupation: Hunter, Medicine maker, Scout

Talents: Archery, stealth, healing, gardening, can speak to animals

Ivory was found by Egon in the middle of the forest when she was a baby, only wrapped in a black wolf pelt cloak that she still wears to this day. Egon had no idea where she came from, but he did now that she was a baby that was going to die without care. Egon took her back to his village, abandoning his hunt for a large wolf that had been reported to have been seen in the area. Though the spring thaw had started, it would still be a few weeks until the traveling fur traders, who often would take orphaned children from the village, would be coming through the area, so Egon cared for the girl until then. By the time the fur traders came through, Egon had decided he couldn't be parted from the infant, and kept her, giving her the name Ivory.

Egon had always wanted a son, and so he raised Ivory the way he believed he would have raised a little boy, with a few modifications. Ivory grew up learning how to hunt, how to fight, and how to craft her own weapons. By the time Ivory was six, she was off into the woods on her own, hunting Rabbits and gathering herbs and fruits.

Now that Ivory is a full grown woman, she goes off into the forest before the sun rises and only comes back to the village well after most have gone to sleep. She's gotten a lot of attention from her male peers as of late, and she hates it. By the time she was fourteen, she'd gotten used to grown strangers passing through asking her father about marrying her, and much to her relief her father left it up to her. Yet, now that she had grown, all of the boys whom of which she had known her whole lives were now thinking the same thing that the traveling men were.

Ivory was rare, in a sense, she looked different from people she'd seen. Most people in the region had blonde, brown, or rarely black hair, or what the Celts called red hair, which really was more copper to orange than red. Blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, or even hazel eyes were normal, but never had Ivory seen a human with eyes like her own. Pale to peach skin was normal for the area, after all, not many people got much sun up in the mountains, between the snow and rain, and the fact that people covered up, everyone was light in skin tone. Ivory's grandfather used to tease her and say that she'd spent too much time in the snow as a baby and absorbed the white into her skin.

Character, Art, and Story © Niji Tenshi AKA Tempy Gentlewing and Gentlewing Creations

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