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Anton familiar Ref 2014 by Neo-Anton

Anton familiar Ref 2014


Anton's glow comes from his blood, which is a bright blue liquid crystal that shines visibly even in sunlight. His fur covers the glow pretty well in most places, but it shines through anywhere his skin is exposed directly, as well as a number of spots around his face, arms, feet and torso where his fur is transparent, and acts like fiber optics for the glow underneath. When, he low on power his glow and liquid crystal blood don't shine as bright. If, he die his glow stop. (The taste of his blood change from Sweet berry to a bitter taste, yes there a few plots dealing with that info)

Age: ?

Gender: male

(Magic technology)Magitech items: same rules, it spawn with his new body when he get kill and he need his scarf to be on him for his new body to spawn in real world. If, he not wearing the scarf his soul is trapped inside the scarf until it is plugged into computer or anything with UBS.

Anton’s nano-scarf: This is his main magitech item; it can change size/ and move on its own. It can also change itself into cape, robe, or even parachute/wings. This is also what lets him get into computer and stuff because he a digital familiars. (Controlling basic electronics, jumping into computer, mmo and systems.)

Anton’s tail shifter: This is a tail attachment that gives his tail full transformation abilities, to turn into a blade or rocket launcher and less violent stuff to help him or just to cool-off. (As long it’s something metal he can make it by just thinking it.) The metal is able to break and hurt when it do break. It can fix itself but the tail has to go back to normal before it starts. There is a time limited on it when using it in the real world.

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Visual / Digital