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Trash Ratz Gang by NauticalNix

Trash Ratz Gang


I finally finished making a sorta ref for these guys!

L & Oip: Can't really mention one without the other. They both grew up in a rural town that had few friends and endless amounts of rundown homes from the gold rush to shoot the shit in, and when they weren't relaxing in the abandon homes they were out stealing mechanical parts and selling them back to the locals or just swiping comics and candy bars from the gas station. Eventually they grew up with an ever lasting bond that was hard to break, and a prosperous wide eyed Oip was accepted into a collage in the city and where Oip went L closely followed, thus began the next step in their lives. Once the two settled into their cold basement rental things started to turn for the worst, the fees stacked up, jobs became scarce, and L with his new found stress of trying to support Oip formed a substance abuse, which didn't help the costs, as he worked at a shitty Sub House by the Sky Train terminal. Oip on the other hand tried to balance school, work, and L until she graduated and managed to get a third roommate, a rather sweet fellow from her collage named Kris.

Kris: Kris lived a pretty normal early life in the suburbs with his mom and fifty siblings, besides that he thinks everything is made up by some unseen entity and has put all his resources into useless tech, and pseudoscience paraphernalia to further his "research" and unified theory. He also thinks gold tinfoil works better that tin.. so.. Anyways. Once he was old enough he was forced out of his home like the rest of his siblings before him, and decided to take philosophy as his major at the same collage where he met Oip. The two formed a quick bond, and Oip enjoyed listening and going along with his imaginings, mostly thinking it was a joke till he sprayed a student with dish soap proclaiming they were ink.. After that she took his nonsense with a grain of salt and tried to challenge his thinking more towards reality, and to go see the schools therapist. Down the line he was prescribed some medication, but unfortunately, like the other two, he ran into a financial sink and made a deal with Oip for some cheaper living. The three in desperate need of cash eventually turned to petty crime, mostly stealing small things from stores and selling them to pawn shops, or selling cheap beer to teens.

Things To Note:

  • L borrows Oip's clothes.
  • Oip rarely partakes in any recreational drugs other than weed.
  • Kris is very inconsistent with his medication and tries to self medicate with L's stash by micro dosing.
  • Kris rambles on if no one stops him.. Like a lot.

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    I love the character backgrounds you have here, it's very inspiring.



    • Link

      Thank you so much, I'm glad it can bring some inspiration to someone!
      I hope to utilize them more in the future as I think their group dynamics would make for some interesting mini life stories. c":