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starfox revolutions testing #1 by naroka3593

starfox revolutions testing #1


You'll find that this is a test image
of my starfox revolutions fan game (an xbox 360 game)

At this view it's naroka in a cxt-1711
Class arwing
(And no slippy retired and is no longer a member team starfox 'star fox command' and krystal is with fox married of course with there son marcus
Being the weapons r&d and wolf as infomer 'he left starwolf got his act together...)
And a massive star ship (bigger than the great fox)
But when that is not enough you magic powers to control fire making an arwing 100X faster than normal

yeah she made these vehicles
"I can't let you do that,fox!"-naroka

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Not bad. :)

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      I made the environment model first
      then the arwing model then the background and sky models in blender 2.74
      then put all of it together in daz3d
      then add in the vfx in manga studio
      the textures i made in ms paint
      and this is a small dose of my cgi art
      witch will be made with blender coded in python and animated in daz
      the game engine i will be using is called unreal 4 and cut scenes in Adobe swf maker
      the file size is about 135Mb each (to play the game isn't what I'm going as an exe file but a bat file that opens the game files and python file as a set meaning to play all 100 missions you have to download the game like this:
      Sfr( (until you have every zip file for the game) zip file count:600 zip files in total and when i get a patron account i will do giveaways and anyone who helps me out gets the full game files in one large zip file
      equaled up to 1Tb in size!