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Wherewithal by Nanuka



Half-off commission order for Jaslyn

Scans of all 5 stages of progress:

2hr Livestream of digital sketch:
3hr Livestream of pencil colouring:

(so happy to have something new to share!)

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    Let me preface this by saying that I've casually followed your work for years now, and I'm still moved by the way you breathe life into each image. You have a real sense of atmosphere, mood, and are able to translate a feeling to each piece that I can not properly articulate with words.

    There's so much happening in this image at once. The staining on the wall, the cracks in the floor. The long, sharp shadows cast on each surface. They instantly set a tone and the beginnings of a story, adding more than the figure alone. The wires, at once constricting and liberating (as her 'detox' maintenance would be, despite entanglement) pull the viewer in beside her. They invite the viewer to share in this vulnerable, intimate moment. I feel like I'm learning more about her the longer I look at this image.

    The literal bits and pieces shown tell me a story of her mosaic life, the union of organic and inorganic forms within her that one can only convey so well with written words. You've truly captured a moment in time. I feel like she's holding that cable in her foot in thanks, even love for what would otherwise be a 'boring' routine for a person.

    I've said it before, but your command of color is impeccable. Everything is so smooth, so soft, deep. If I hadn't watched this come together I would have sworn this was a mix of watercolor and pencil. Even the subtle texture left by the pencils adds a whole new grittiness to the piece. I can scarcely believe this is mine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I couldn't be happier. ♥

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    Your coloring is as awesome as ever. Anatomy is phenom and I love seeing the process images!

    I do have a question about your process: do you use a lightbox for your inking?