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Hero of the Hyperspace War- Dreghuul by Myriagonic

Hero of the Hyperspace War- Dreghuul


Name: Dreghuul
Species: Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon)
Nicknames: The Beskar Basilisk, General Dreghuul, Dre', Darth Lambent
This version of Dreghuul is ancient, dating back all the way to the Great Hyperspace War in an era of far greater decadence; even among Jedi. Within the order he was famed as a Jedi General of tactical brilliance, personally leading several successful strikes into Sith Space in the Republic's retribution against the Sith Empire's invasion of Coruscant. Dreghuul's campaign against the Sith was ruthlessly efficient; systematically destroying every possible advantage the Sith could've had. Dreghuul returned to Coruscant a hero to the Republic, and a controversial figure within the Jedi Order. Padawans flocked to become the apprentice of the famed Jedi General Dreghuul who had earned the nickname the 'Beskar Basilisk' among Republic troops. The Grand Master and Jedi Council, concerned how Dreghuul's aggressive tendencies might affect the order, transferred Dreghuul to Jedi Diplomatic Corps.

The transfer had two goals, one influenced by Supreme Chancellor Pultimo and the other by the Jedi Council itself:
Firstly the Supreme Chancellor suggested that Dreghuul was already considered by many in the Republic to be the perfect candidate to represent them (some even calling for him to run for Chancellor himself) and Dreghuul's popularity and reputation as a brilliant but ruthless general would allow him to strongarm his way during negotiations. Dreghuul was, in Pultimo's eyes, the perfect opportunity to strengthen the Republic, making sure allies remained loyal and enemies remained intimidated.
For the Jedi Council they saw Dreghuul's transfer to the Diplomatic Corps as an opportunity for the Beskar Basilisk to mellow and meditate. Calming his war-torn psyche and keeping him away from combat whenever possible.

In Dreghuul's eyes he saw the transfer as the Jedi Council spitting in his face. He resented being hurried away from a reputation for excellence in combat. Despite his feeling he begrudgingly accepted the Council's new position but his interpretation of diplomacy was slightly heretical, Dreghuul, being an ally of the Supreme Chancellor, tended to resolve disputes in the favour of the Republic, even at the cost of fairly mediating. Dreghuul's species, the Star Dragons, was extremely long-lived and in his thousand-year service to the order he lived to see war after war where his talents were ignored. Finally, after the fall of Exar Kuun he was allowed a Padawan to assist him in his diplomatic endeavours: a Celegian named Guata'flo. While Dreghuul trained the Celegian expertly in combat his apprenticeship was unremarkable in Dreghuul's eyes. A failed apprentice whom he tried to instill his pro-republic values into but failed to get through his sense of Jedi loyalties. Guata'flo's training was quickly brushed off by Dreghuul, who promoted him to knighthood after getting frustrated with his refusal to change his views.

When the Mandalorian War broke out Dreghuul saw his opportunity to follow Revan's lead and join the Republic's efforts against the Mandalorians. The Beskar Basilisk would once again, serve as a Jedi General overseeing several outer rim campaigns against the Mandalorians, proving his old age and thousand-year abstinence from war had not hampered his abilities. Dreghuul served Revan with unwavering loyalty, hoping to prove his worth as a warrior once again to the Republic and the Jedi. When the Mandalorian War came to a close on Malachor Dreghuul was present aboard his flagship 'The Champion of Coruscant' and when Revan returned from the unknown regions as a Sith Lord Dreghuul offered his services once again. He was appointed an overseer at the Trayus Sith Academy and over his years of service the dark side energies there amplified his greed and anger towards the Jedi Council of eons past.

Dreghuul's movements and activities in the 300 years between the Sith Triumvirate's defeat and the original Sith's return are not known. He escaped the destruction of Trayus and the fall of the Triumvirate, yet by the time the Sith Empire reemerged Dreghuul was nowhere to be found- not among the Jedi nor among any Sith converts. Several rumors claiming he'd been seen near Iskadrell but Imperial Intelligence has been unable to confirm any concrete sightings...

Man that's a long title. This is a pic of a new character i'm working on: Dreghuul, nicknamed the 'Beskar Basilisk'. Originally he fought in the Great Hyperspace War during a period in Star Wars history where it seemed like EVERYONE was wearing ridiculous amounts of gold. Dreghuul has a bit of an odd history in the design process behind him. When i was younger (16,14 something like that) i made a really terrible star wars fanfic which i never posted anywhere. In it a Tarasin Jedi named Jonjo (incredibly stupid name) who'd escaped order 66 eventually embarked on an adventure to stop some imperial inquisitor or whatnot. Along the way he met a Star Dragon Jedi Master who had been trained by a Celegian named Guata'flo.
When i finally got back into developing head-canon star wars lore, this time in The Old Republic era i used the Celegian Jedi as Vanguardius' master and reversed Dreghuul's role, making him the master of Guata'flo.

I originally sketched the face and head in Adobe Ideas on my Note 10.1 then ported it over to CS2 with my Intuos 4 in order to give the image more detail.

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