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Celebrating the 4th with a 5th by moyomongoose

Celebrating the 4th with a 5th


Dr. Ichabod Hodgewart Hog is on an assignment in the U.S., and is celebrating the 4th with a 5th.
And in spite of witnessing his share of emergency room patents who were badly hurt, or had to be pronounced dead, in hospitals both in the U.S. and in his home country of France, he still insists on drinking while driving...And he never uses a seat belt.

Character Description
A very obese, fat, peach coloured pig.

Arrogant personality. Very much a defiant, potty mouth, smart ass. And pure evil.

Boring music (has collections from Harry Bandalow and also from the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra.
Ichabod likes his booze.
Restored cars from the 1960s and 1970s, mostly the big, U.S. built cars of those time eras (like the fully restored, bright red, 1976, two door, Mercury Marquis he is shown driving in the pics...Big car for a big pig).
As a medical doctor, Ichabod has a fetish for preforming abortions.
Ichabod likes to travel with his Italian doctor friend (also a pig) to 3rd world countries, and by chance to have the opportunity to kid nap and kill a local so he and his friend can harvest the organs to sell on the black market. Ichabod and his fellow doctor friend can no longer travel Cambodia and Bangladesh due to arrest warrants those two countries have out on them.
Ichabod has always wanted to begin implanting RFID chips into his patents, but so far, other doctors have stood in his way of doing so. Dr. Hog also has a chip

Being told what to do.

Born in southern France to a very well to do family. His dad, Jack Ichabod Hog, is a corporate attorney, and his mom is a style designer for a world renowned furniture maker.
While growing up, Ichabod was a spoiled brat and a school bully. And Ichabod had no respect for authority of any kind. He even resented his parents telling him what to do, and had been in juvenile jail a few times.
When he was a piglet, he would get pleasure from torturing insects.
His family attended a Greek Orthodox Church, and unlike the rest of the family, Ichabod hated church. In fact, when Ichabod was a teenager, he threatened to burn the church down if Daddy Hog continued to compel him to attend with the rest of the family...Ichabod no longer had to attend church after that.
His older sister became a certified accountant.
His older brother followed in Daddy's footsteps in the legal profession.
And Ichabod attended med school in France and became a doctor.
His younger sister got into real estate.

Dad; Attorney Jack Hodgewart Hog
Mom; Clementine Hodgewart Hog
Older sister; Esmeralda Hodgewart Hog CPA
Older brother; Attorney Clarence Hodgewart Hog
Younger sister; Realtor Gertrude Hodgewart Hog

Southern France and the U.S.

Grotesque, fat pig. Peach tan skin with pink and pale purple colouring. Has a goatee and thick eyebrows.

Has an RFID chip implant in his right paw. When Ichabod is in countries where he can not simply "swipe his paw" at a store check out, he will wear a belt and pouch to carry credit cards and cash. Being a pig thus not having fur, he can not use a clip wallet.
He has an I-pad.
Has a lap-top in the car with him.

Likes to do abortions. He will lie to an expecting mother about the health of her unborn cub to trick her into aborting the cub...Then Ichabod sells the tissue and parts to medical research.
He wants to perform RFID chip implants.
He is sadistic...He likes to torture.
He gets a thrill rush when he and his fellow doctor friend kills locals in 3rd world countries to sell their organs to the black market...It's like a hunt and a sport to him.

Straight but for the most part inactive. He has had two failed marriages.

Submission Information

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