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Desperately Safe by morenor

Desperately Safe


Taking a walk while the sky is on the brink of dusk, you take an unusual turn into a lightly wooded area. You're familiar with these woods, you played in them while you were a child.
Suddenly, as the night begins to slither overhead, you notice several odd trees. Ready to go home, you turn back, only you're met with a wall of complete nothingness. The darkness is alarming and you decide to see if there's anything up ahead. The ground turns moist and minuscule bubbles form around your feet with every step. You grow worried and discontent with your situation. Worry flushes to your face as you walk faster and faster through the cool, damp, and unfamiliar woods. The landscape changes in one step.
Trees and ferns are no more. A bed of moss and other small damp plants cling to life on a hard rocky surface. You walk for what feels like miles...Then something shows up ahead. A cool green glow fades into view.
You come across an eerily calm patch of light. You step into it and a soft, low hum resonates in your head. It feels odd, like a thought on the cusp of coming into your grasp but it's just not there. Before you have time to process the hum in your head, a red glow fades in from the darkness in front of you. The hum gets louder.
A heavy tiredness washes over you in an awesome wave. You sit down on the ground, watching this odd crimson glow come closer and closer to you.
Your mind fluctuates in and out of consciousness and your head falls back a bit, leaving you to stare straight into the beam of light.
The red glow draws near, and with it, you can make out the faint wetness of raw flesh floating inside the box. No, the box is floating around it.
You gaze at it tiredly be for another wave of drowsiness takes you over.
The shadow of the creature that came out of the darkness floats above you, speaking in an unknown language that pulsates in colors behind your eyelids. Your head hurts and you're afraid but sleep has a tight grip on your physical body.
The voice fades, the light dims.
. . .
You wake up back in your house and continue life as you normally would. Not giving a second thought to your encounter. But somewhere in the void of your mind, a glowing red cube flits around, waiting.

x moren 2O14

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