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Standing on the edge by Mordicai_the_otter

It had all lead up to this moment, days spent running it over and over again in his head, all
leading up to where he was now.

He was standing on the edge of the roof of a towering building, the wind whistling past his
ears and through his fur and causing him to shiver. A few of the more, stronger gusts almost
sending him either backwards onto his back or tumbling forward into oblivion.
He peered down over the edge, the height making his stomach churn and his head spin
slightly 'what am I doing here?' He said aloud to himself, watching the crowd that had long
ago gathered below. A few people in the crowd already had their phones out, either calling
the police or seemingly recording whatever he was going to do next.
He took a deep breath to try and steady himself while pressing down the anxiety that
threatened to overpower him as he took a step closer to the edge, there were a few shouts
from the crowd below as people realised what he was about to do. Already he could hear the
sound of sirens making their way towards the area with the sound of running coming from
the covered stairwell a few feet behind him.

He stepped a bit closer, the toes of his shoes jutting slightly over the edge, his legs began to
shake a little with fear, half hoping that whoever was coming up the stairs would arrive in
time to stop him. He could just barely make out the flashing lights of the police cars as the
sped down the road towards the foot of the building. 'Still a good distance away' he thought
to himself, estimating that it would take them another minute and a half or so to reach him.
He thought about his friends as he stood at the edge, the wind continuing to play over his
body. John, George, Brian, and Charlie had all gone, leaving him on his own 'they probably
don't think I have the guts to do this' he thought bitterly, his tail betraying his actual mood as
it curled between his legs slightly. His bit his bottom lip as he peered over the edge more
before leaning back again and brushing a hand through his headfur 'Come on, you can do
this ' he said aloud again 'prove them wrong..'

He continued to slowly rock back and forth on the balls of his feet, the sound of running
climbing higher up the stairwell, almost taunting him 'times running out' he thought before
jumping a little as the door behind him slammed open 'don't jump!' the security guard
shouted, practically sprinting towards him. He turned slowly to face the guard, his heels now
jutting over the edge instead of his toes as a smirk played across his face 'too late' He said
with a chuckle, letting himself fall backwards over the edge and pushing away with his feet, a
frenzy of screams and shouts guiding him downwards as he spun himself over to face the
oncoming ground.

The air buffeted his body as he held his arms and legs out wide, the air causing his eyes to
sting and water slightly as he watched the ground move rapidly towards him, the crowd
turning from the size of ants to toy soldiers and growing bigger with each second of free-fall.
He quickly reached towards his chest and pulled the ripcord attached to the bag on his back,
the large parachute that had been neatly packed inside shooting out and opening up to
catch the wind. His whole body jerk suddenly as his descent slowed down to the sound of
more cheering from the crowd below. Quickly grabbing the steering lines of the parachute he
began to guide himself towards a small group of people that were waving him towards them,
their own parachutes already having been hastily repacked into their bags as they waited for
him to jump.

'That was awesome!' George said, running towards him as he landed running on his feet 'I
even managed to catch the security guard trying to grab you just as you jumped!' he said
excitedly, waving the camera he was holding about.

He took a moment to catch his breath as his friends rained friendly and congratulatory slaps
down onto his shaking back 'Ni..nice!' He said, looking up with a wide grin on his face, John
and Brian helping him gather up his parachute as the crowd began to make way for the
police who had finally arrive 'I..I think we better get out of here hehe' he said with chuckle,
still a bit breathless from his jump as the others nodded in agreement, already grabbing their
backpacks up as he finished closing his and began to running.

Standing on the edge


a small short I wrote from boredom a while back

short © me

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Literary / Story