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Musicians makkinney by MISTER Z

Musicians makkinney


In ancient times, when the cities of makkinney were small, with narrow streets and enclosed by stone walls (although the walls and currently remain indispensable attribute of cities), musicians and actors were the most daring and curious makkinney, who dared to explore the world around them and to travel to distant grounds. Often they are accompanied the caravans because they had a lot of knowledge on how to survive in their world full of dangers.

And, of course, the arrival of the musicians in the city collect all residents.

Used machine translation

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Visual / Traditional


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    I like the atmosphere of the drawing, architectural details like buildings edges, canopies, ornamentation - it all makes the picture feel the setting of something from the past, but not done by humans. Level of details on characters also is amazing, everyone in the scene is actually different, citizens are curious about guests, I really like characters on the foreground, on the right side - one holding a basket and another, holding kind of plant, they're best part for the pic (opinion).

    I'm not sure if all horizontal lines properly go to the vanishing point - I know it can sometimes look too weird, narrow while you're drawing, but it's better to sacrifice part of background to make perspective look better. Characters scale is strange - I assume musicians from different area are supposed to be bigger than residents, but it doesn't look convincing. Behind them we can see very small kids on right and one adult, which seems to be a dwarf in comparison to others. It's even enhanced by people on foreground - they also are way smaller, even if citizens are physically smaller, they are so close to the viewer, they should be at least the size of characters in the center. If I'm not clear, there's one simple tip to use when you draw perspective like in this artwork:

    roughly average high people will have head on the same level in whole scene, even if they are far from the viewer. There's lack of it in your pic, what brings confusion about scale, buildings and citizens are awkwardly small. It would also be nice to involve stronger shadows in the scene, but it's a small thing, but think if you like to make shadows cast before your main characters - it would mean they should be much darker and light source would be behind them. I'm not sure if it's an effect you wanted to get.

    Anyway, keep up good work, your creatures are very lively even now, I'm curious what you'll do with them in the future!

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      Thank you for comment.

      In fact, the proportions and sizes - this is my whip. So I'm not surprised, if that makes some misunderstanding.
      Most of the mistakes I see, unfortunately, only after I complete the picture, and then, after a week or two looking "fresh eyes".
      It is assumed that the size of all creatures except children approximately equal.
      Scanner ate most of the shadows. However, I initially made them weak.

      I am glad that my pathetic skill not spoiled the overall impression. :)

      Hm. You want to know something about makkinney?

      Used machine translation.

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        There are many rules about drawing characters in perspective and it's hard to use them all at time, I understand that, but you can learn it only using it. Perspective in drawings like this is important and I'd really recommend to learn about it! It makes your life much easier in many themes! Well, I don't want to torment you about architecture rules, you'll find it on the internet. Characters are the most important part of the drawing, so I let myself to try get your vision, focusing on characters and not caring much about street and buildings proportions.

        Is it kind of your original universe?

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          I appreciate good criticism.

          This universe, or what I call "dimension" is called SaTingPo. Quick description is in the appropriate journal.
          Makkinney - small creatures, leading the origin of the planet full of great things and big dangerous enemies. Kind and sociable by nature,they had to develop the technology to survive. Later, it helped them in dealing with other races. Although Makkinney do not like to fight, they had to develop powerful defensive structures, so as not to fall prey to some of the bellicose neighbors.

          Used machine translation.