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Apocalyptic Riot - commission by PhoxTank by MissAme

Apocalyptic Riot - commission by PhoxTank


Tuck sat on the cold concrete as he organized what little provisions they still had. He sighed as he shuffled around the two half empty water bottles and couple of bags of chips, he pinched the bridge of his nose as he realized they were not going to make it through the week if they didn't raid something soon. But Shaw was still recovering from the last time they tried a raid and ended up fighting seven guys with guns. Fucking guns. And all they had were a couple knives and Shaw's fighting skills. And well look where that got them, injured and hungry. He debated whether he should just go sneak in somewhere and steal what he needed. He could do it. In and out, not so much as a sound. He'd done it hundreds of times before the world went to shit no reason he couldn't do it now. He moved to get off the concrete that now had made his ass numb when a foot pushed on his shoulder holding him to the ground.
"Hey there little Tuck, what's up?" He didn't even need to look up to know it was the damn Crocodile. The one he left in bed so he could finish healing but of course he wasn't going to stay in bed, because that would be good for him.
"Shaw get your foot off me." Tuck fingered the scaley toes on his furred shoulder hoping the touch would just make him move it.
"Only if you tell me where yer plannin on going in such a hurry." Tuck could just hear Shaw smile and sure enough when he glanced up through his fringe those pointy teeth were gleaming.
Tuck sighed, "We need food Shaw, I can go nab some, be in and out in an hour." He waited a beat for Shaw to say anything to stop him but was met with silence, "Look Shaw we're not gonna make it a day with what we have just let me-"
A bag dropped in front of him creating a small plume of dust, it was bursting at the seams and when Tuck flipped the flap out of the way he saw 2 gallon bottles filled with clear water and about 10 pounds of beef jerky and food rations. "Went back and got some stuff."
Tuck tilted his head back and looked Shaw in the eye, well the black one he now sported and noticed a few more bleeding cuts and bruises on his face and shoulders. "SHAW you were supposed to be resting! NOT GOING BACK AND GETTING MORE INJURED."
Shaw moved his foot from Tuck's shoulder and turned to walk away, fingers plugging in his ear holes "Blah blah blah little Tuck."
"SHAW!" Tuck grabbed the bag and turned to go after him, hell bent on yelling at him some more but still some part of him was glad he was ok and they would last a little longer in this hell hole.

art by PhoxTank

Tuck belongs to Kash

Submission Information

Visual / Digital