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Indra Tales Pt 2 - The Sands of Time by Midnight Hyperion (critique requested)

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Indra Tales Pt 2 - The Sands of Time (critique requested)

Midnight Hyperion

"For a hero to awaken to their destiny, they must first experience tragedy. For nobody understands the tragedy of loss and bereavement more than the heroes themselves."

Our warrior, at an early age, experienced one such tragedy. Robbed of a family, a home and everything she know, by an invading army, she was forced to wander the land and live amongst nomads. She will eventually settle in with one such nomad clan, but it will not last.

One day, while out hunting game, she came across the sentinent sword of Indra. It told her of the impending doom that will befall this planet and only she can stop it from happening. Our warrior wasn't convinced, stating that the world has already ended for her and that she would hardly care it it happened to the rest of the world. She took the sword anyways, curious to see where it will lead her.

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