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Teenager Love by Meztli72

Teenager Love


Don't get me wrong: I mean, family friendly and sound romance. I don't draw stuff which is not that way.

Specs (please read carefully!):
A young boy (18 y.o.) and a young elf girl (same age according to Earth's standard, her age is actually much larger according to the duration of her species at her planet of origin) decide to keep feeding their friendship as usual, but suddenly they discover that in fact they have a great feeling of mutual Love in a romantic way, so they kiss and hold hands a lot for a while with deep and strong feelings for each other. After that, they come back to their respective homes promising each other to meet again from time to time. They don't intend to have physical intimacy (you know what I mean), but actually they want to wait until marriage to express their feelings in a complete way. Still, they know how to deal with their mutual feelings (both spiritually and physically) so they will maintain their romance as pure as in the first time. Who knows, perhaps they keep going on with their relation in the future so perhaps they will show us (in another drawing!) one day that they'll be happily married in the sense that an union between a human and an elf from other planet is a way to keep spreading the magic of true Love beyond this planet throughout the entire galaxy!

Everything (drawings, text, etc.) belongs to me!

不要誤會我的意思:我的意思是,家庭友善且浪漫。 我不會畫不那樣的東西。

一個小男孩(18 歲)和一個年輕的精靈女孩(根據地球標準年齡相同,根據她的物種在起源星球的持續時間,她的年齡實際上要大得多)決定像往常一樣繼續維持他們的友誼,但突然之間他們發現事實上他們有一種浪漫的相互愛的感覺,所以他們經常接吻、牽手,對彼此的感情深厚而強烈。 之後,他們各自回到各自的家,並約定時不時地再見面。 他們並不打算有身體上的親密(你知道我的意思),但實際上他們想等到結婚後才能完整地表達自己的感情。 儘管如此,他們知道如何處理彼此的感情(精神上和身體上),因此他們會保持他們的浪漫像第一次一樣純潔。 誰知道呢,也許他們在未來會繼續保持他們的關係,所以也許他們會向我們展示(在另一張圖中!)有一天,他們會幸福地結婚,從某種意義上說,人類和來自其他星球的精靈之間的結合是一種將真愛的魔力不斷傳播到這個星球之外、整個銀河系的方法!


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